www.damionmullins.com Damion Mullins, MS, MBA

Other Past Projects

Not in chronological order

    • AWS, EC2, Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JSON, Ajax, PHP, & Phalcon
    • Home renovation contractor website
    • I developed this website for MJ Services DMV. In addition to cross-device, mobile, and browser compatibilty, I developed some unique features in the website to make it stand-out from all of the templates and generic third-party websites used by general contractors.
      • Custom animated introduction in HTML5, Jquery, and CSS3 only
      • Animated floor-plan layout that converges together on load
      • Video background
      • JSON-LD integration
    • AWS, EC2, S3, Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, Canvas, CSS3, JavaScript, IndexedDB, JSON, Ajax, PHP, Phalcon, & MySql
    • Application mockup design and share application
    • MarkEmarkup is a free and subscription-based wireframe and image-markup offline application designed to enhance and improve Agile application development and support processes. This application enables users to create and share static and interactive markups with others, elicit collaborative feedback, and garner confirmation for greater requirements-gathering and accountability
    • www.markEmarkup.com
    • CentOS, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, IndexedDb, PHP, pChart, PHPExcel, & MySql
    • ERP System (purchase orders, materials request, human resources, asset rental, budget management, project reporting, time mamangement, and more)
    • Deployed in 2011, and still in operation today
    • Global usage with end-users in Papua New Guinea, Russia, Panama, U.S., and parts of Africa
    • CentOS, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, PHPExcel, & MySql
    • Reservation system for Tonglen Lake Lodge in Denali Alaska
    • System managed reservations for lodging, kennels, transportation, and events
    • HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript
    • Designed during my Peace Corps service in Morroco, this application helped volunteers learn Modern Standard Arabic
    • This application taught letters, symbols, numbers, words, and had a fun picture-word guessing game
    • Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, & MySql
    • Book information search and management system
    • Application was designed for the Buddhist Study Center in Hawaii
    • CentOS, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, & MySql
    • Website for advertising, renting, and selling heavy construction equipment
    • Listed equipment with images, details, contact information, and status
    • Full user-interface for uploading and managing equipment
    • HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript
    • Updated Blue Hawaii LifeStyle's existing website
    • Added a modern look and page dynamics
    • Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ajax, PHP, & MySql
    • Website designed to help artisans of Morocco market and advertise their products and other web resources
    • Enabled artisanal cooperatives and associations to create a unqiue product advertisement page with search capabilities
    • Generated a robust gallery of products
    • AWS EC2, Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Ajax, PHP, & MySql
    • Website designed for Alohi Glass
    • Paralaxing website designed for robust images of unique glass products
    • Featured an events blog-styled page, and a product gallery
    • AWS EC2, Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Ajax, PHP, & MySql
    • Website designed for a wedding announcement, invitations, and RSVP's
    • Managed wedding RSVP's, gifts, wedding communication, and much more
    • Additional features: ecnrypted passwords; user account management; automated emails; built on my own custom JS and PHP framework
    • Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, CSS3, BootStrap, Google Maps API, PHP, & MySql
    • Architectual Document Management System for Hawaii Department of Accounting & General Services
    • Web system that allows contractors to search and access building architectual documents
    • Team collaborative development project
    • AWS EC2, Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Ajax, PHP, & MySql
    • Purchase Order system designed to create purchase orders in multi-global regions
    • Custom built Javascript and PHP framework
    • Designed for easy deployment, maintainability, and contiuous enhancements
    • HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, & IndexedDB
    • Project Scheduling Application developed as a code sample, this application demonstrates how a single HTML file can manage data similar to a RDB (CRUD) and render images all without any internet connectivity, aside from the use of the jQuery CDN
    • No installation required, just save to a computer or a device
    • Images were generated using coordinates
    • HTML5, CSS3, & JavaScript
    • Developed as a fun project, CodeStar is a game designed to challenge the mind
    • Single HTML file, and cross-browser and device compatibile
    • AWS, EC2, S3, Ubuntu, Apache, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, Ajax, PHP, Phalcon, & MySql
    • Website designed to share photos
    • Full Admin panel
    • Tiered account management
More Projects!